A Multitude of Apps

Solve simple Problems Simply

Have the right tool for teh right job.

Private Message

Direct access - Talk to anyone, anytime, from any project, privately. Just click on their picture, and pick up your private conversation where you left it.

Notice to all - Post a message that all can see, and leave instructions to people "before they try to post to you". Several examples:"Please ask yourself, is what you are about to post to me privately something that would be better posted to the team?""I'm going to be away for a week, if you need to reach me please contact my assistant"


Simple - The Scratchpad is unformatted text. Just type what ever you want here, and it will saved.

Never worry about saving - Scratchpads automatically save your changes, and allow you to go back and find things you wrote a day ago, or a year ago.

Many pages - Make Scratchpads for any topic you like.

Mobile interface - www.Tiny Gnomes.com/m gives you access to your last touched Scratchpad, and gives you a quick way to add a note, and have it appended to the end of the pad.

Spell - Spell check you Scratchpad directly. A quick way to make sure you got it right.


Ask your team important questions - Asking the right questions of your team, on a regular schedule, can help you stay on course, and prevent failure.

Will we be on time, and on budget?
Is everyone Happy?
Do we have the resources we need to get our job done?

View Compliances on the calendar - Turn Compliance option on for your calendar, and they will appear automatically, giving you time to complete them.

Review a report - View your own answers, as well as your teams.

Email - Invite non-members to respond to compliances via Email, and automatically gather insight into your projects quickly.


Share your schedule - you have complete control, decide who sees one. Assign a project to an event, and everyone in that project can see it. Mark it private, and only those part of the event are privy.

Import - Bring your contact in from other applications like Outlook, or even from services like Google or from your iPhone or Android.

Add the team - Add your team with a single click of a button. All the information in their profile is instantly added to the contact list.

Notes - Keep notes for each contact, or even notes to your team so the next person to look at the contact knows what happened.


Any or All words - Use "*" to find "word parts, for example "*ttle" will find "Settle" and "Little". Check the "Any words" and find anything matches from a list.

Projects - Pick a specific project, or check the "Any words" to match projects.

Date range - Find things created or updated between a specific data range.

By service - Search just one service, for example just messages posted in Calendar events.


The create tab allows contacts, events, forms, projects, tasks, wikis, and files to be uploaded.

Hovering over an item on the dashboard (example: recent wikis or recent files) will display the project the item is associated, date, and time when it was last updated.

Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

This website uses cookies to improve your web experience. Learn More…



Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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