
Everyone has something to say


Know the phrase ‘give someone enough slack to hang themselves?’ Want to learn how to make each message count?

  • Forums - The discussions service allows you to see what everyone is saying in project forums.

  • Topics - A topic is a thread in a forum. A way to keep things organized and people focused. Make new ones as you need them, or rename them to better fit the flow of conversation.

  • Threads - Events on the calendar, and tasks, and compliances all of their own thread for each service. This way, you can keep a conversation inside task for example, without annoying everyone else in a project.

  • Private messages - Just like every popular social system out there these days, it's easy to send someone a private message. Just click on their photo and select this from the drop-down menu.

  • Email - When someone writes a message, it is also sent via Email, so you don't even need to log in to receive or replay to a thread.

  • Filters - Filter your message by the poster, project, service, or data ranges, or just search across all messages for anything you like.

Power features

  1. ​​​​​​Tags - You can tag any message in a thread whenever you like. Before you post it, while you writing it, or even after you post it. And, you can tag messages other people wrote.

  2. (@) Tag a person - as long as people use a real name or nickname, it is easy to tag them directly. Just start typing their name, starting with a capital letter, and you will be presented with a list of the people.

  3. Hot - A special type of tag with several levels of heat. Marking a message hot helps you remember it later, across services and projects.

  4. (?) Track a question - Simply type two ?? and you will be promoted to mark a message as having a question. you can filter for these 'Standing questions' and clear this flag only when you get the answer you need.

Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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