
The Tiny Gnomes provides the most secure system available today. Your data is kept safe from accidental loss, internal disclosure, and outside access.

Great features you won't want to live without

  • Password protection - Your account is password protected to ensure that you have sole access to the account and its information. As always, follow safe password procedures: do not share your password with anyone, do not use similar passwords for different applications, and choose strong passwords. For our side, we store your password as a hash.

  • Fine-grained security - Project Leads have complete control over the access rights of other users within their respective project(s). This includes access to projects on the same company account. In the event a user's password is compromised, access to one part of the system does not grant access rights to all parts.

  • SaaS Hosted Security (Software as a Service) - means we host the service on our secure servers within secure hosting centers. Your information is stored on secure servers at data centers chosen for reliability and security. With SaaS Hosted deployment, we use the following features to keep your information secure and accessible.

  • Message security - You can lock messages with a single key, or lock each message with a different key. The system will remember any key you use to lock or unlock messages, and store these keys in Lockbox. The Lockbox is a 448 bit encrypted file that only you have the master key to. Even people with access to the back end of the system do not have access to your keys or messages locked with these keys

  • Site privacy - We do not not share information about you or your company with anyone. User access to your projects is controlled by Project Leads.

  • Data center security - All information you provide is stored securely on our servers. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to protect your personal and company information. Our hosting partners provide 24/7 physical security and system monitoring to ensure the availability and reliability of your account and information.

  • Archive - We keep multiple copies in multiple locations, and you can set up your own personal system to ensure you have a complete copy of all your files on a regular basis.

Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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Tiny Gnomes is a secure cloud-based suite of tools for project management.

Finally, get your team on the same page.

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